Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Maven2 cargo plugin and integration test

So I was facing a problem of creating Maven2 project that would:
  1. Create domain based on JBoss default server configuration,
  2. Copy to this newly created domain configuration file and datasource configuration,
  3. Start container with domain that was result of #2.
I thought that cargo-maven2-plugin will do the job.
Unfortunately it didn't.

My initial approach was:
  1. Attach cargo:configure (undocumented goal :-/) to generate-test-sources phase, using standalone type, so configuration gets generated from scratch based on default,
  2. Attach antrun:run to generate-test-resources phase to copy .properties to conf, and -ds.xml to deploy,
  3. Attach cargo:start to pre-integration-test phase, using existing type, so configuration from #2 is read-only used, and *should* not be overwritten.
In theory it seems all great and already working.
But I couldn't convince cargo to work like that.
Started executing maven with -X to discover that maven configures mojos properly, not a big surprise, especially if you take a look at CI of cargo, you would suspect cargo of errors.
At the end of a day I created this ugly but working configuration:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
 <name>Integration Tests</name>
 <description>This module provides a collection of integration tests.</description>
        <copy todir="${basedir}/target/jboss4x" overwrite="true">
         <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/jboss4x"/>
     <!-- This execution is needed to start container with existing configuration -->
        <taskdef resource="cargo.tasks">
         <classpath refid="maven.test.classpath"/>
        <echo message="Starting Cargo..."/>
        <cargo containerId="jboss4x"
         <configuration type="existing" home="${}/jboss4x">
          <property name="cargo.servlet.port" value="8982"/>
          -Xdebug -Xnoagent